Donald Trump is apparently irritated with Gov. Ron DeSantis for not publicly declaring that he would gladly step aside and not challenge the former president in 2024 if he decides to run again.
Personally, I’m hoping Trump will be in jail long before then, and therefore disqualified from running.
Meanwhile, DeSantis has been declining to answer questions about whether or not he’s received a booster vaccine. Trump reacted to the news by saying he was tired of “gutless politicians” who will not admit to being vaccinated. To counter this subtle attack, DeSantis said he wishes that he’d objected more loudly when Trump closed down the country and encouraged social distancing in March of 2021 at the beginning of the pandemic – one of the few rational and science-based decisions the former president ever made.
Political pundits believe DeSantis would campaign for president on a coronavirus-theme – declaring that masks, social distancing and vaccines are useless – which isn’t too far off from what he’s espousing today.
More than 62,000 Floridians have died from COVID-19. DeSantis seems dissatisfied with this number and has been trying to go for broke by implementing policies that will lead to the death of even more of his constituents. This decision-making has made him popular with Republicans and has reportedly put him in the number two spot among his party who might run for president.
It appears that to be a good Republican, you have to throw out the old model of family values, conservative fiscal policies and smaller government to lean in toward being racist, crazy, anti-science, anti-vaccine and anti-mask; push election laws that will make it harder for Black people to vote and give Republicans power over election certifications; obstruct any policy of President Joe Biden; promote the “Big Lie” of a stolen presidential election; and constantly kiss the behind of Trump.
The crazier you are, the more popular you become among Republicans.
Marjorie Taylor Greene is a perfect example of the current Republican politician. She is ignorant, against vaccines and mask wearing, attacks any statement of Dr. Anthony Fauci, and is pro-gun, pro-election restrictions and as crazy as they come.
Republicans are dragging this country down and Biden seems to make them more popular. He has not been able to pass key legislation, including legislation to protect fair elections. Inflation is affecting everyone and the pandemic rages on.
Biden appears weak.
Absent passage of legislation that gives voters protection, Republicans will cheat themselves into several wins.
The only hope of breaking Trump’s hold on Republican leaders, who used to be sane, is for him to get convicted and serve jail time. If that happens, maybe they can give him Bernie Madoff’s old cell.
Reginald J. Clyne is a Miami trial lawyer who has practiced in some of the largest law firms in the United States. Clyne has been in practice since 1987 and tries cases in both state and federal court. He has lived in Africa, Brazil, Honduras and Nicaragua.