Business for the Arts of Broward's 3rd Annual Art + Stroll
Lobbies of 401, 301 and 201 201 E. Las Olas Blvd., Estates of Fort Lauderdale (historical), Florida 33301
After taking place as a virtual experience in 2020, Business for the Arts of Broward’s (BFA) 3rd Annual ART + STROLL event is returning as an in-person event and will once again transform a block along Las Olas Boulevard in downtown Fort Lauderdale. Presented by BBX Capital, the event takes place on Wednesday, November 17 from 5 to 8 p.m. in the lobbies of buildings 401, 301 and 201 of E. Las Olas Blvd.
Guests will have the opportunity to connect with the visionary group of business leaders at BFA during the event, as well as enjoy juried art exhibit of fine art for sale, local live entertainment performances and more. Performances include spoken word poetry, live music, African drumming and more by Art Prevails Project, Broward College Big Jazz Band, Hope Street band, Ashanti Cultural Arts, live painting by Lori Pratico, and side walk chalk artists. Copies of Blood Moon Princess and Haloed Prince, the event’s poster by Tom De Vita, the winner of this year’s event poster contest and Artist in Residence for the City of Pemproke Pines, will be available for sale as well.
Tickets are available at $25 (advance) and $35 (at the door) and include a $25 restaurant gift card, Hoffman’s Chocolates, and more. To purchase advance tickets, visit